Saturday, August 21, 2010

Little Guy Animations

Here are all the animations for Little Guy that I have worked on so far:



JUMP (still needs work)


Hey there! I'm Donasia and this is my animation blog. I wanted a more casual approach to posting my work, but more professional than just facebook posts, so here we go. I've been working on a few different things at a time, mostly because I find myself getting bored with my own projects. I tend to work a lot harder on things for other people than things for myself, which I suppose isn't a bad thing.

Any who, my most recent project is this little astronaut character named LittleGuy that I modeled, textured, rigged, and am now animating. I've been learning to make a game through Unity so I made LittleGuy as my first game character. I don't have any direction for the game yet, but once I figure it all out I'll be thinking about getting more people to help me with this project. Here's a pic of LittleGuy: